3rd Project Meeting: Zambrów, Poland

18-23 September 2011

The Programme


The official letter of invitation is available here.


  • Summary and evaluation of the work done so far
  • Gaps/faults of the project - making up the missing tasks
  • Working ahead: the coming up activites - deadlines and responsibilities
  • Organizing some videoconference lessons in advance
  • Planning the next meeting (Zsombó, Hungary)
  • Cultural life in Poland




  1. HUNGARY (Makó): Ms Edit Viasz-Kádi, Mrs János Fazekas (Ibolya), Mrs János Dobsa (Kati)
  2. HUNGARY (Zsombó): Mrs Edit Márta Berta, Miss Krisztina Varga
  3. FRANCE: Mrs Catherine Lapierre, Ms Magali Théron, Mrs Ingrid Roudil, Mr Renaud Lattier, Mr. Vincent Spiegel, Mr. Benoît Janssen
  4. NORTHERN IRELAND: Ms Anne Makin, Ms Audrey Stinson
  5. ITALY: Mr. Giuliano Montano, Mr. Mario Sansone, Mr. Pinuccio Filippo


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Tripline Map