I'll Tell Me Ma

Your Task


Stop and think. :)

  • Did you like this animation?
  • Did you understand the message of this song?
  • What typical elements (characteristics) can you find in the song?
  • List 5 words from the song.
Comments: 13 (Discussion closed)
  • #13

    Adam (Tuesday, 01 May 2012 15:49)

    It was cool! yes Its about boys annoying the girls. I tell my ma when

  • #12

    Thomas (Tuesday, 01 May 2012 15:34)

    Yes I liked it because it was funny.

    No I didn't understand it

    It is about a gril that every one loves

    I tell my ma when

  • #11

    Madame Bernard (Wednesday, 05 October 2011 19:07)

    Fantastique. Boys stop annoying the girls

  • #10

    Barbara G. (Thursday, 07 July 2011 09:27)

    Brilliant and very funny! I love the story.

  • #9

    Va advanced Zambrów (Tuesday, 21 June 2011 13:40)

    1. It was not bad
    2. Yes, certainly
    3. old city Belfast, fight for love, fighting boys, crazy for love
    4. love, steal, comb, bell, door, ring, hair and many others

  • #8

    VIb less advanced Zambrów (Tuesday, 21 June 2011 11:25)

    1. Yes, it was very interesting.
    2. Yes, exactly.
    3. old city Belfast, entertainment, fight for love, friendship
    4. love, fall in love, pull hair, fight, door, bell

  • #7

    VIB - Zambrów (Tuesday, 21 June 2011 11:22)

    1. Your video is very interesting. Bravo!
    2. Yes, of course.
    3. "She is handsome, she is pretty
    She is the belle of Dublin city"; love, fight.
    4. Belle, comb, rings, hair, Albert Mooney.

  • #6

    class 6c (less advanced), Zambrów (Monday, 20 June 2011 12:15)

    1)Yes, of course. Well done!
    2)Yes, we did.
    3)Love, fight, beauty
    4)pull, hair, comb, fight, knock, door, bells, rings

  • #5

    VI a advanced (Friday, 17 June 2011 10:31)

    1. Yes of course
    2. Sure
    3.fall in love, fight for love, pretty girl
    4. pull hair, steal comb and a lot of others

  • #4

    Rita&Bogi (Thursday, 09 June 2011 08:31)

    2.We are so-so understand...
    3.Nice photos.
    4.Nice, comb, rings, pretty, door.

  • #3

    Orsolya, Barbara (Thursday, 09 June 2011 08:28)

    1. Yes it very good.
    2. Not completely.
    3. love, fight, anger
    4. pretty,love,boys,grils,funny

  • #2

    Janka, Zsani, Éva (Thursday, 09 June 2011 08:24)

    - Yes, it's very funny.
    - We're so-so understand.
    - Folksy and very nice story.
    - hair,comb,love,fight,handsome,rings

  • #1

    Nelli Papp, Niki Erhardt (Thursday, 09 June 2011 08:09)

    1.We liked the presentation.
    2.No, we don't understand.
    3. We find boys and girls.
    4. pretty, sky, door, comb, city