Hej, Dunáról fúj a szél... // Hey, the wind is blowing from the Danube...

Version 1

Version 2

tekerő or nyenyere
tekerő or nyenyere

Our traditional song was accompanied by Miss Borbála Tamási, our Music teacher. She played the hurdy-gurdy (or revolving lute) called 'tekerő' in Hungarian.


Hurdy-gurdy was developed in the 13th century and spread from Spain. In Hungary it is mentioned and illustrated in the kuruc era (17th century) for the first time. The resonance box has a string for the tune and two for accompaniment. The strings are sounded by rotating a resinated wooden disc. On the outside of the box a system of wooden keys serve to communicate stoppings, which were completed with a chromatic row of keys. These keys are used to depress the melodic string. The hurdy-gurdy is still played in dances along with melodic instruments (violin, clarinet) in the Szentes and Csongrád regions.

Your Task


Stop and think. :)

  1. Did you like this animation?
  2. Did you understand the message of this song?
  3. What typical elements (characteristics) can you find in the song?
  4. List 5 words from the song.


Give your answers under Comments.


Comments: 12 (Discussion closed)
  • #12

    Michał VIc (Tuesday, 19 June 2012 21:37)

    This animation is very funny. I like it!
    I did understand it.
    Wind, changing weather, man, woman
    Soldier, cold, hot, clouds, poor men

  • #11

    Colleen Armagh Saints and Scholars (Tuesday, 01 May 2012 15:55)

    Yes I loved this animation it was so funny. Yes I did understand it. Changing of weather from wind to no wind. Small,poor,welcome,windows and did.

  • #10

    P3 class in Armagh (Friday, 20 April 2012 15:47)

    Rhianna _ I liked it: SASHA:it was hilarious
    Sarah I think it was in the old days
    Rachel - I think it was bout a man who was walking when it started to rain. He walked the whole way to a house , where a girl asked him why he was so small. He replied about how he was small but wanted to be a soldier or a piliot of a wooden plane
    Katie- welcoming, summer, holidays , war, rain

  • #9

    pupils from Armagh (Wednesday, 21 March 2012 11:20)

    1. yes, it was very good, well put together
    2. yes
    3. wind, changing weather, marching, sunshine
    4. river danube,wind, warm, cold, soldier

  • #8

    Barbara G. (Thursday, 07 July 2011 09:20)

    Very good! Enjoy your careers in Hollywood!

  • #7

    Va advanced Zambrów (Tuesday, 21 June 2011 13:35)

    1. Yes, we like it very much.
    2. Yes of course :)
    3. blowing wind, poor man, sadness and happiness, different weather, military life
    4. river Danube, soldier, poor man , twirl wind, sunshine, cold and warm

  • #6

    class 5c (Zambrów) (Tuesday, 21 June 2011 12:12)

    1.Great work!!You are a fantastic video producers.
    2. Yes, we did :-)
    3."Hej, Dunáról fúj a szél";tekerő (hurdy-gurdy)
    4. the Danube, wind blowing,poor man, soldier

  • #5

    VIb less advanced Zambrów (Tuesday, 21 June 2011 11:19)

    1. Yes, it was impressive.
    2. Yes, certainly.
    3. hurdy - gurdy, the weather, twirl wind, soldiers, poor life
    4. water, wind, hurricane, sunshine, cold and warm

  • #4

    VIc advanced Zambrów (Tuesday, 21 June 2011 09:28)

    1. Yes, of course.
    2. Yes, we did.
    3. blowing twister, poor man, sunshine, cold and hot, sadness, hurdy-gurdy
    4. wind, sun, poor man,Danube,grow up

  • #3

    VId (advanced) Zambrów (Tuesday, 21 June 2011 08:39)

    1.Yes, we did. It's cool:-) You're very creative.
    2.Yes, we did.
    3.hurdy-gurdy, misfortune, fight
    4.wind, Danube, sun, poor man, cold, warm, soldier

  • #2

    VId Zambrów (Friday, 17 June 2011 11:22)

    1. It was very interesting
    2. Yes, exactly
    3. wind, sun, trees, river, cold, warm
    4. blowing wind, cold, sun shine

  • #1

    VIa advanced (Friday, 17 June 2011 10:26)

    1. Yes, we liked it very much.
    2. Certainly
    3. blowing wind, waving trees, cold, hot, sad boy, shinning sun
    4. Dunáról , urlase? fuj a szel..